Blue Umbrella in Amsterdam

NederlandBlue Umbrella



🕗 openingstijden

106, Weesperstraat, 1018 DN, Amsterdam, Amsterdam, NL Niederlande
contacten telefoon: +31 20 468 7560
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 52.3648835, Longitude: 4.9054684

opmerkingen 5

  • en

    Helena Aguas


    Poor service. Last year Blue Umbrella filled my tax forms, however they told me I wouldn´t be entitle to any tax refunds.Since I recived less than 20k (yearly) I should get around 2.2k. After a couple of emails where I clearly stated this rule where they denied such low salary tax return would exist- which I end receiving the tax deduction in the end. It seems quite ridiculous that they aren´t able to know this standart rules and don´t even bother.

  • Nicolás Hirschhorn

    Nicolás Hirschhorn


    I have found the service to be extremely unreliable and not worth the price. Not only do they not reply to my e-mails despite guaranteeing a response within 24 hours, they also messed up the filing of my tax return and didn't deliver it on time. They also refuse to provide concrete information on the status of my application even though 4 months have gone by since the original filing. I wouldn't recommend their services to other expats.

  • en

    Otto Van Daal


    They have been dealing with my tax return for the last 3 years now, can strongly recommend this company: their online tool is easy to use, they respond quick to any questions and know their business very well. As an Dutch expat living abroad I can highly recommend them and trust them completely with any financial matters.

  • en

    Roberto Incarbone


    Not speaking any Dutch, I had to seek assistance to file my taxes for the period I lived in the Netherlands. Blue Umbrella provided an excellent service at what I believe is a very reasonable fee. I had already left the country when I filed for two years, did everything remotely and they were extremely helpful and professional. I highly recommend them.

  • Bartek Lechowski

    Bartek Lechowski


    These guys are amazing! I was a bit hesitant at the beginning as they help you with something that realistically you can do yourself, but they turned out to be so immensly helpful, it just took a load of weigth off our shoulders. Really strongly recommended!

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