BAMBINO in Amsterdam




🕗 openingstijden

5h, Vijzelgracht, 1017 HM, Amsterdam, Amsterdam, NL Netherlands
contacten telefoon: +31 20 626 4939
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 52.3618829, Longitude: 4.8918912

opmerkingen 5

  • Илена Иленова

    Илена Иленова


    Good one

  • Gordon Jackson

    Gordon Jackson


    Pretty good food, nice staff, ok location when there’s not road works. Markup on wine is a bit much but I guess times are hard.

  • Chris Sykes

    Chris Sykes


    I went here in September. The food and staff are all very pretentious, without executing many dishes. They served the dessert in a metal cup, which looked like we had ordered from a cafeteria and none of the dishes were balanced, innovative or flavoursome. So unfortunate that Amsterdam has such few decent restaurants.

  • Athena dB

    Athena dB


    Great shared dishes paired with a nice selection of natural wines - what's not to love? Grab a spot on the terrace and you can have your sourdough with a side of people watching.

  • Alexa Lightner

    Alexa Lightner


    One of the best meals I've had in Amsterdam. Unique, delicious food, a fantastic wine selection, and all very unpretentious and affordable.

Restaurant in de buurt

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