Arnoud Personal Training & Fysiotherapie in Amsterdam

NederlandArnoud Personal Training & Fysiotherapie



🕗 openingstijden

617, Van Hallstraat, 1051 HE, Amsterdam, Amsterdam, NL Netherlands
contacten telefoon: +31 6 81506545
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 52.3794342, Longitude: 4.8720868

opmerkingen 5

  • Jeroen Visser

    Jeroen Visser


    After more than a year of rehabilitation at Reade on the overtoom. Reconstruction was done through another fisio. Then a program and goal drawn up by Arnoud. In the end I am very happy with the steps that have been taken and I will continue to train to stay strong.

  • Santiago Gomez Quero

    Santiago Gomez Quero


    Enthousiastic, dynamic, original on his approaches and has a way to make you feel energetic about every challenge; overall he is a great personal trainer

  • marleen schuurman

    marleen schuurman


    Arnoud has been my personal trainer for 2 years. I have lessons from / with him every other week and I train myself. I am a woman in the transition and would like to keep my strength and condition. Thanks to Arnoud, the varying training schedules and his adequate way of dealing with my body and mind, I continue to train (twice a week) and that gives me an energetic and proud feeling (even though it is sometimes quite a job 😉). I keep going!

  • Giovanni Tomasoa

    Giovanni Tomasoa


    I think I started with personal training at Arnoud over 5 years ago. Do not regret for a moment that I have come to train with him. I have taught him how to perform exercises in the right way. And how I can / should eat in a correct and responsible way. He explains the best and how to do the exercise in new training schedules. I get a workout plan for upper and lower body every 5 weeks. Are you looking for a personal trainer then Arnoud is really a topper !!! 🏋🏾♂️🏋🏾♂️🏋🏾♂️ What are you waiting for!!! Contact him. And who knows, you are already training with him to achieve your goal.

  • Ed Van Wees

    Ed Van Wees


    Arnoud is a must. I have been training with him as "leading guy" twice a week for over 2 years now. Previously I swam a lot but discovered that that is actually a reasonable one-sided workout, despite the use of all your limbs. I could no longer manage properly by squatting. The fullbody training at Arnoud gives me much more satisfaction. Nowhere more "aches and chagots" and when I look in the mirror I am, for my age, quite proud of my body. A personal trainer is the only possibility for me to give the motivation to exercise. He stands faithfully waiting for me and I have to make sure that I am there and I do it properly. Through his professional, enthusiastic, approach and encouragement I keep it full. A personal trainer is a must - Arnoud in particular!

Fysiotherapeut in de buurt

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