A.P Bloem i Amsterdam

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HollandA.P Bloem



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151A, Kerkstraat, 1017 KA, Amsterdam, Amsterdam, NL Holandia
kontakter telefon: +31 20 223 1616
internet side: www.apbloem.nl
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Latitude: 52.3638921, Longitude: 4.8879823

kommentar 5

  • Jenna Pierson

    Jenna Pierson


    A.P. Bloem is simply amazing. They worked with me to create the most spectacular flowers for my wedding. Alexander took the time to meet with me multiple times before the wedding to go over my vision on location at the Pulitzer hotel. The A.P. Bloem team listened to my ideas and wishes, and went completely over the top with their creativity and skill. Their attention to detail, quality and price is incomparable to other florists in the area. I shopped around for a florist for my wedding before selecting A.P. Bloem, and most of the other florists in the area didn't take the time to meet with me to even discuss ideas. The entire experience from start to finish with A.P. Bloem is one that I will always remember from my wedding. Thank you, A.P. Bloem, you're the best!

  • Andrey Ka

    Andrey Ka


    Very professional florist made the most perfect bouquet for my girlfriend. Flowers there are just beautiful. I recommend this flower shop to everyone

  • Laura Henson

    Laura Henson


    The inexhaustible team at A.P. Bloem designed and supplied a wealth of flowers for my mother's wedding. They created the most beautiful arrangements, far beyond what we had even envisaged ourselves. They are truly unique, professional, creative and reliable. They stand far above any other florists in Amsterdam. The best.

  • Jens Andersson

    Jens Andersson


    The flowers from AP Bloem are amazing - the composition of the bouquets are magnificent and I keep being surprised and impressed every time I order from them. The people are behind it are great and the store is very cute. Can not recommend more - this is a gem.

  • Annie Chen Andersson

    Annie Chen Andersson


    A.P Bloem is hands-down the best florist in Amsterdam. Each time I purchase or receive a bouquet I'm filled with wonder at how they can create such art. You can really feel the love that the team puts into their work. I have been a customer for the past 4 years and the quality is consistently high. I know I can depend on my friends and family receiving a stunning arrangement for birthdays, congratulations etc. - I always get such great feedback back! Whereas at some florists, all the bouquets look the same, at A.P. Bloem each arrangement tells a story - about the seasons, the occasion, and also who you are and how you want to show your love or appreciation to whoever receives the flowers. I could not recommend A.P Bloem's products and services more. Their webshop makes online orders extremely convenient and I've even had friends in the US order me flowers to be delivered here in Amsterdam because they know I love their work so much!

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