Amsterdam Farm Lodge i Amsterdam

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HollandAmsterdam Farm Lodge


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280, Meteorenweg, 1035 RN, Amsterdam, Amsterdam, NL Netherlands
kontakter telefon: +31
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Latitude: 52.41938, Longitude: 4.8714095

kommentar 5

  • en

    Roman Soukup


    ...amazing,quiet location...peaceful atmosphere...very nice and comfortable accommodation...the owners,think about everything...thanks again Rogier a Nicole...was nice to meet you,and im looking forward to visit your paradise again...

  • Michelle Choo

    Michelle Choo


    We were a group of 7 and stayed at the farm lodge on our weekend trip to Amsterdam. The place was absolutely perfect, clean and neat, and very comfortable! The check-in was a breeze and the hosts very friendly. Very convenient to get to Centraal - just a few minutes walk to the bus stop and a direct bus to Centraal station! Would love to stay there again in future, and I highly recommend the place :)

  • Avery Erickson

    Avery Erickson


    5 friends and I stayed here and we had so much fun! Rogier and Nicole are so kind and helped us navigate Amsterdam and helped us rent bikes for a day. The space itself is really beautiful. Wonderful experience. Would book again.

  • Jeremy Rhoades

    Jeremy Rhoades


    A warm welcome to this community oriented BnB has spurred our interest in exploring North Amsterdam. This place is truly family friendly, peaceful and well appointed.

  • en

    Morgane HENRY


    Very nice place, peaceful and quiet, with awesome hosts very available and helpful. A great ethical and responsible initiative to support. And all the necessary furnitures, with FANTASTIC beds to sleep well after big walks in Amsterdam center. Can't recommend more !

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