Amsterdam City Center Apartments Hotel i Amsterdam

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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HollandAmsterdam City Center Apartments Hotel



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17, Monnikenstraat, 1012 BP, Amsterdam, Amsterdam, NL Netherlands
kontakter telefon: +31 20 241 0305
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Latitude: 52.3731808, Longitude: 4.899766

kommentar 5

  • Mario Lanza

    Mario Lanza


    Excellent, highly recommended. Mo and the team are always there to help · Great location, friendly and helpful staff and apartment were very good value

  • Ester Saladino

    Ester Saladino


    Fantastic accommodation. Apartment was clean, spacious and felt safe. It was our first time in Amsterdam and was a great help in mapping out the area. Located in the center of Amsterdam, with everything you need just a short walk from the door.

  • Stay Channel

    Stay Channel


    The beds were very comfortable,lovely to have plenty of nice clean towels and a clean bathroom.It was good to have a fully kitted out kitchen should you need to cook also plentiful supply of tea coffee creamer and sugar which is a nice touch.I would recommend this apartment

  • Nishant Mohan

    Nishant Mohan


    Super friendly service, great for groups we had the 3 bedroom for 5 people. Very clean, all facilities worked well, lots of towels. There is one bathroom with two shower stalls and one bathroom with the WC. The lounge is a great idea by the Apartments as well. Overall amazing experience

  • אריאל צ'רכי

    אריאל צ'רכי


    Rooms are large and spacious, very clean. the location is crazy. and most importantly there is Mario to help you whatever you need, amazing man. We were seven friends and we all enjoyed ourselves very much. Recommend the place!

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