Amazing Steakhouse in Westerbroek

NederlandAmazing Steakhouse



🕗 openingstijden

Rijksweg West, 9608 PB, Westerbroek, Hoogezand-Sappemeer, NL Netherlands
contacten telefoon: +31 50 404 1616
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 53.1790425, Longitude: 6.6810938

opmerkingen 5

  • en

    Pandora Woody


    Nice place, good service, but if you don't love factories, the view is not good at all.

  • Andrew Edwards

    Andrew Edwards


    Great food, great service and easily accessible

  • en

    Ivo Meins


    A great atmospheric place just outside Groningen. The ribs (huge portion)are more than fantastic and come with a big portion of fries, mashed potatoes, a salat bar and what not. Visit this place!

  • en

    Lynne Gulley


    Fiance and I came in fairly early, we had to wait a little until they could make our order but they gave us a little aperitif whilst we waited. The courses came out in appropriate times during the dinner itself. Steak and chicken were both cooked to perfection, we could use butter knifes to cut through. The chicken with the mustard sauce was a definite hit! The side dishes speak for themselves and the spiced fries were surprisingly good. We ended up leaving tips and compliments to the chef. Our yearly special date might have just turned into more than once a year!

  • en

    Rob T


    Great steaks. Tender and served as ordered - Rare. Nice atmosphere well mannered efficient staff. Good service. Price matches quality. Was happy to tip when leaving

Restaurant in de buurt

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